Start Over, End Better,
without Starting Fresh

Start Over, End Better,
Without Starting Fresh 

You've already gotten known.
Now, get (Re)Known when you've Outgrown.

Leverage your Expertise, Personality, 
Awards, Press, Network, Businesses into Stories, Personal Brands, Consulting Offers to Help Others

where achievers align & Amplify to

Ask me how

Don't know Me? 

As Seen In...

You know my work
& my clients.

(just how I like it)

If you're anything like most Achievers (like me), you've gotten knocked down 10 times but stood up 12. Won BIG! Lost big, too. You've likely known heartbreak but still found more heart balm. Experienced false starts and false friends. Found quick success, failed fast, and stayed agile. Looked like you, "had it all together" but (also) were The Helper who needed help. That grit, that gumption, that grace under pressure made you a success.

Now, you want to share your Behind The Scenes. Teach all those "lessons learned" from your most pivotal decisions to your most painful inflection points (that changed everything).

You're NOT the 1st Achiever to secretly outgrow your life, career, business. NOR to get everything you ever wanted only to wonder, "Now what?" That kind of calling to share something more — to want to Write, Speak, Podcast, Consult, Invest is inevitable for Visionary Leaders.  

And inspire others —

here's the good news ...

"Kj's projects have been seen on Oprah, CNN, ELLEN, Netflix to name a few. Working with Executives, Entertainers, Entrepreneurs, Elite Athletes & Speaking to Modern CEOs of Culture-Focused Companies on Resilience, Storytelling, Pivoting, The Great Resignation."


- $50,000,000 Enterprise Sales -

"So many huge takeaways. Kj brought tremendous value!"

"You need a process or you may end up stuck like so many others. Catch this convo (with me + Kj on her IGTV) if it's time for you to pivot with a plan."


- EX NFL, 3x America Ninja Warrior -

- Speaker, Author, Coach - 

"If you're even considering a pivot then you need a plan!"

- Time to Come Back Alive -
- Pivot + Perform into Thought Leadership -
- Get (Re)Known with aligned PR -
- Leverage Better Teams, Clients, Audience -
- Create Legacy Projects that Matter -
- Share the Story (Behind the Story) -
- In Bestsellers, Top 100 Podcasts, Talks, TV/FIM -

Invite  Only

Pivot, Performance &
PR Strategy
to get (Re)Known
when you've Outgrown

Let's Pivot!

FACT: The #1 thing keeping you feeling complacent after so much "success" is feeling disconnected. The amount of time, money and energy wasted feeling out of alignment with yourself, in debate over your NEXT chapter, (struggling to find deeper life purpose, feeling guilty for not being more "happy" when you ARE "grateful") is 10x the cost of pursuing a bucket-list dream, building your personal brand and sharing your story to help others. If everyone wants something from you, ask: "What do I  want?" Let's do THAT. This is legacy work in the making.

It's simple math. "An object in motion tends to stay in motion; an object at rests tends to stay at rest."  Even YOU — the industry leaders in Entertainment, Sports, Tech, Entrepreneurship, Real Estate, Finance, Wellness, Media, Hospitality, EV, Publishing — can hit an Achiever's Hangover after an unexpected setback, sophomore slump or even a hugely successful startup exit. What's different? Having high level Strategic Consultants, fresh PR and a trusted Rolodex of peers who "get it." Only then will you start to remember you're WORTHY beyond your money, fame, awards, status. That's when your nervous system will calm and you'll get back into massive action.

Here's What You'll Experience

No More Guilt

Momentum (AGAIN!)

Why You Want This

Why You CRAVE This

There's a saying, "What's fun gets done." Now, more than ever, with so much work going remote — and Entertainers, Entrepreneurs, Executives, Elite Athletes and Everyday Achievers each carrying the weight of so much pressure — loneliness, burnout, depression, anxiety are all on the rise. ESPECIALLY for driven, creative, visionaries who thrive on beating their personal best and a little healthy competition with collaboration. Even the most introverted are feeling starved for some high-five TLC around fresh passion projects and personal pursuits. If you're tired of scroll-suffering your days away on social media, or having the same tired conversations with your club circle, come meet new people, in new places, for new possibilities. Chances are? Your best next JV, Client, Agent, Investor, Sponsor, Founder or Love may be here.

Celebration & Fun

why you love this

CONFESSION: For years, I succeeded in a lot of "impressive" career titles with a lotta "big" names and garnering some pretty sexy street cred. Problem was? All the press, all the offers, all the celebrity clients and diverse projects weren't putting my SIGNATURE STORY front and center. When Life throws curveballs like Covid, Divorce, Cancer, Recession, Hollywood Strikes, Tech Layoffs — personal branding isn't a "nice to have" but a "must have." EVEN IF your talent and leadership are an asset, your diluted message and burnout is a liability. In times like these, you can't afford to lose your team, clients, audience, or YOURSELF. Leverage is critical. Branded Consults help.

A Plan with a Path

why you need this

Where success & satisfaction makeout

celebrities, ted fellows, athletes, founders

Free Yourself, Trust Expert Support, Grow your Influence, Get your Time Back, Attract & Retain NEW Top Talent, Get (Re)Known.

Picture this ...

Fill your calendar with your Ideal Clients, Interviews, Sponsors, Keynotes, Projects or (dare we say) White Space to unplug. 



the results you'll get:

Have a hive of Generous NEW Referrals + Raving Fans who engage with you daily; build a culture where folks want to be.


Kick Imposter Syndrome, Perfectionism, and CYA mentality to the curb; finally feel true psychological safety and belonging. 


Develop, Market & Distribute your Book, Podcast, Website, TedX, TV/Film, Course, Broadcast Media, Tour, Product, Service + Secure NEW PR for who you are TODAY.


Get Invited

early bird tix now open by invitation

GET TIX 10/13/24 (L.A.)
GET TIX 10/13/24 (L.A.)

How It Works

Change Your Environment
(with NEW people, places, projects)

First we do this

Change Your Energy
(wherever you go, there you are)

Then we do this

Change Your Engagement
(what you put out, comes back)

next we do this

So That We 

Your Future's Role
(with NEW meaning & mission)


Your Hero's Journey
(with Character & Story Arc)


Your Story's Message
(for Books, Talks, Podcasts, Media, TV/Film)


Get You (Re)Known

Your Friends, Family, Peers
(meet the most healed you)

In private

Your Fans, Students + Subscribers
(learn from the most real you)


Your Global Audience 
(see your best work + best you)


I'm Kj. Your Pivot, Performance & PR Strategist.

Oh Hey!

OFFICIAL BIO: Known for her relentless enthusiasm, whip smart improv, standing ovations, with reverent and funny tone — Kj's keynote speaking, strategy and storytelling each pull from the relational insights of Esther Perel, the purpose driven work of Simon Sinek, the Hero's Journey of Joseph Campbell, and the transformational motivation of Lisa Nichols. Audiences and clients will leave having had a laugh, a cry, and a shift into action.

A small town latchkey kid, turned SoCal gal, Kj Christensen learned the Art of Resiliency at a young age. By 23, she'd survived domestic violence, disordered eating, sexual assault and losing her best friend to Leukemia. By 40 she was forced to start over; end better.

Now in her second act, Kj inspires audiences to "answer the call" and embark on their own personal/professional QUEST. Learn how to LEVERAGE your expertise, personality, network, business and lessons into your own speaking, writing, podcasting, consulting and more.
STREET CRED: Before transitioning from Entertainment to Entrepreneurship — Kj Christensen acted in TV/FILM, opposite celebrities you grew up watching. Produced viral documentaries & shot photography seen on Oprah’s Super Soul Sunday, O Magazine, NETFLIX, CNN, ELLEN, Showtime, YouTube, SUCCESS magazine, MovieMaker Sundance issue; and celebrated seeing her feature documentary made into an OSCAR nominated biopic. A seasoned Speaker, Moderator, Emcee — Kj Christensen has photographed & interviewed Music Legends, A-List Actors, NFL Super Bowl Champions, Moonshot Tech Founders, Viral TED Thought Leaders and Influencers around the globe. For bucketlist fun Kj Co-wrote and Co-produced the official #MyOutgrown Anthem, Hosted and Produced The Dreamcatchers District Podcast (iTunes, Spotify, Pandora, Apple Music), and earned #1 Bestseller Co-Author on Amazon for Resiliency Through Yoga/Meditation. From 2500 seat theaters via European tour, to sold-out live events in LA, Orange County, Austin, and panels on several SXSW Film Festival stages, Kj is excited to be speaking in Park City, Miami, NYC, London, Portsmouth, and Boston next. To work with Kj as your Growth Partner and Strategist, or to book Kj as your Emcee, Moderator or Speaker — email

I had "it all" ...
except ALL of ME.

See, I was hiding one dirty little secret ... I lost myself. Playing small. Staying stuck. Trading BECOMING for BELONGING.

 Truth? I didn't always want "my story" to be my story. That all the twists and turns (some phenomenal; some painful) could’ve been a straighter, smoother line. That I didn’t know what it felt like to be the Underdog; the Jill of all Trades; the Late Bloomer; the Survivor.

But that is not how good stories go. Not yours. Not mine. And, looking back, I’ve learned to feel grateful for it all.
Even the pain.

FACT: In a full life, your heart may break a thousand times.
And it’ll mend ten thousand more... 

But not until you learn the Art of Resiliency and how to Pivot + Perform with relentless hope and enthusiasm (no matter what) and sharing your own personal story with aligned, authentic, PR to help others.

Some will learn by crisis and some by choice. Me? I learned by both.

Maybe, so you don't have to.

but nothing i've achieved,
nothing i've survived,
is "special" or "unique."

but it wasn't always as
easy as
it looked

"I can’t say enough about KJ's leadership retreat in LA. It was such a transformative experience! KJ‘s energy and passion for what she does is palpable, and the encouragement she gives others to live their best life is unmatched. I would highly recommend her as a keynote speaker, writer, or retreat leader for any event aligned with her massive talent. Attendees will never forget their experience with her! "


CEO & FOUNDER at The Driven Yogi, Speaker, Emmy Winner

 NeXT →

In the years we’ve gotten to work together, I’ve been lucky enough to be a guest on Kj's podcast and seen her work with many clients as well as interact and support event attendees. We’ve engaged in strategic coaching conversation and, through it all, I value her insight as well as her wide range of expertise and experience. Kj really shines as facilitator of thoughtful, intentional, conversation. And connecting with her audience let’s me know that investing my time, money and energy with her is the right thing to do. She’s a valuable speaker, advocate within her space and amazing connector of people. The ease that Kj has makes everyone  feel comfortable opening up, whether it’s a struggle or a project they want to work through. She truly makes sure that they are heard and valued. When I think of Kj, I think of one of the kindest souls I truly have ever met. Given everything going on in the world today, now is the perfect time to hire Kj as your Pivot Strategy Coach and have her speak at your event, on your podcast, or lend her expertise to your next elite panel. She'll help your audience focus, engage and end up in the right direction for success. 


Design & Branding



During our coaching, what stood out to me was Kj's positive energy and amazing ability to listen! She truly understood how I was feeling and what I was going through, then instantly knew the “cure” and plan to propel me towards an upward trajectory! Within 90 days, I was able to increase my capacity (mentally & physically), regain focus and drive - and most of all, I felt empowered and a renewed sense of self-worth. She also provided me with TONS of amazing resources, tools and techniques that helped me grow in so many ways. But the results that manifested were profound. Every time I reflect on where I am today compared to where I was a year ago, I attribute so much of my growth and success to KJ!!  Being in my profession of HR, we often times focus on advising everyone else on how to best address their own performance and engagement needs before we apply the same to ourselves. I’m sure the same can happen as parents and team leaders! But with a strong desire for career advancement and growth, I needed to actively seek out a coach & advisor. I am so grateful that I was able to work with KJ. I strongly encourage others to consider working with a Performance Strategist like KJ - you’re investing in yourself and that’s invaluable! 


Sr. Mgr Talent Acquisition



Kj comes from a place of personal experience and a clear understanding of a creative. She has done the work and applied it to her multiple successes. She effortlessly unearths the conflict between your values as a creative and what you are putting out to the world of business. This is a key link between dreaming about doing something and actually doing it. Her easy going and down to earth way disarms any reluctance to work and dig deep. I found my work with Kj so valuable that I will continue to go back to the well for more incredible information and inspiration. I highly recommend working with Kj to get your ideas off the ground and to discover so many quality roads to choose from. She's truly amazing! Thank you Kj with all my heart!"


Event Planning, BUsiness owner, SInger/Songwriter



"Kj is one of the most passionate, kind, creative, and generous souls I've had the pleasure of knowing and working with. She's a powerhouse of insight, inspiration, wisdom, and tools for people in pursuit of their full creative expression in this life. She also has immense experience and expertise in a wide variety of areas. To know and collaborate with her is a true honor!"


marketing expert


IN their own Words

"Being vulnerable, sharing my truth, and responding to the pull towards the calling into the unknown is the very edge of my life’s growth - and I desire growth. I had to push myself to that edge with KJ - knowing that when the leap happens, so does the magic. I’m hoping at least one person has found themselves at their life’s edges and decided to leap after our talk and begun their journey to healing. It was only through hearing others share, that I knew I for sure wasn’t going addiction, and unhealed trauma alone. It’s the highest act of self-care that I can think of, sharing our truth and vulnerability with others." 
- Watch IGTV @Kj_Christensen


celebrity beauty expert,
Marie Forleo "marie TV"
Project Runway, HSN

"I had the most wonderful experience participating in a panel discussion that Kj organized and moderated as part of her signature event series. The expert celebrity panel was thoughtfully curated and the conversation about ideals of success and satisfaction couldn’t have been more relevant. Equally as impressive was the eclectic crowd of artists and innovators in attendance, and the diversity of programming for the evening, which included live music, comedy, dance, ping pong, photo booth action, tasteful goodies and a TED-style talk from Kj. I just remember a packed house of charged up, curious, engaged and vibrant people - the positive energy was palpable. I have nothing but love, respect and admiration for Kj, and would highly recommend her for any job, role, project or gig that she’s up for."

Cultural researcher, strategist

oh, snap! meet my Peeps!


Previous Podcast & Panel Guests

"When I think of Kj and the work she does with her clients and groups, I get a picture in my mind of a celebration in the streets of some wonderful little town far away on the other side of the world with brightly colored street flare, locals singing and dancing. It’s a carnival and you are the guest of honor. Kj has this innate ability to focus on a goal/passion and see it through to fruition. That’s what makes her such an invaluable coach to her clients. She is a master mind at guiding people through the Science of Flow to not only get you on track to your highest potential, but her process shows you a new way of probing at the mental blocks that take you off the path. Kj is a ground breaking forward thinker with a real world strategy for success."

realtor, Yogi, Singer

"Kj's work as a Creative’s Coach is up-leveling my business in indescribable ways! I am making major improvements in the way I think about and in turn run my business … I am learning to bring awareness to Fear, meet it with compassion, and watch it continue to melt away as I look at it in the eyes with love and courage. I recommend Kj Christensen for her Creative’s Coaching and her 40 Day Fear Fast. They are both amazing offerings and literally changing my perception and in turn changing my life."


trauma informed Wellness Coach,
holistic  Nutritionist, Yogi



commercial + doc Director,
cinematographer, Producer, writer,
founder pmg films + Rentals

As one of my most trusted partners in our work together, KJ keeps things down to earth. She is the ultimate cheerleader who brings an incredible eye for excellence in tow. As a writer, speaker, event/story producer, and client interface, I cannot say that I have worked with anyone like her, and I mean this in the best of ways. She lifts our work with her many talents, and she lifts everyone around her with amazing grace, perseverance, fortitude, and skill. We will be working together for many years to come, and I highly recommend her to anyone who needs a tremendous producer, writer, speaker, coach or consultant. She does it all, and she does it well.

"If you want to go fast, go alone.
If you want to go far, go together."

The 30day Incubator

the pivot plan ($1500 Value)
(90min Strategy session)

up to 6-8hr immersive vip day for side-by-side work w/ kj

2 (30min) strategy sessions the weeks before/after vip day

4 voxxer "office Hrs" for
on-demand tools, tactics, Q&A 

DIGITAL OR Printed Workbooks, Digital Done for you Swipe Files, 300+ Resources, PRIVATE Library

$10k, one-time payment, Private 
*payment plans available*


*$5k/pp, one-time payment, group

The 7day Pivot Plan

1 private strategy session
(90min, With LiFETIME recordING)

7 Days access to kj for 1-on-1 follow up support

1 fully customized assessment &
1 action-focused pivot plan 

Start here:
Get the Pivot Plan
(Scroll down for focuses)

3 Ways we can build together

in Laguna Beach or Virtually

(scroll for pivot plans)

1 pre-party DIGITAL workbook to prepare you

for instant relief & results

The 90day Accelerator

The Pivot Plan ($1500 Value)

monthly + Quarterly invite-only elite Event Experiences + virtual

daily voxxer, bi-weekly sprints, monthly 2hr recorded sessions

weekly "office hrs" for on-demand tools & tactics, q&a, hot seats

your personal Brand story designed from development to distribution

7-8figure brand blueprint

legacy leadership to go from potential to performance

2 live event tix + onstage invite

Application Only, $7500, 15k, $30k+

(Book the Pivot Plan first)

diy resources / templates

EARLY BIRD Invitations to EVENTs (Limited spots that sell out) 

12mo PR calendar plan + Partners

network intros, Social Posts, speaker/panel invites, PR Tips

Complimentary resort DaY tea/coffee/WATER + Lite Bites. (hotel + Travel not included)

Dream team network introductions, potential clients, JV strategic partners, affiliates, referrals to grow your reach, revenue + ROLODEX

Think: BOOK, PODCAST, OFFERS, L&D, TEDX, BRAND, TV/FIlm, EVENTS, leads, sales, Healing & Personal Growth


for an immersive & Intensive reset

for Income generating relationships

Everyone's got a Personal Brand, whether they know it or not. And There's nothing sadder than being "the best kept secret" OR having outgrown your former life and audiences don't YET know the YOU of today. With overcrowded markets, across all industries, this isn't about street cred for the simple sake of bragging rights. None of that matters. What matters is that MORE GOOD HUMANS (doing MORE GOOD WORKS) are getting their gifts into the hands of even MORE GOOD HUMANS. A high level PR Strategy with guaranteed placements not only gets you the brand awareness, leads, and social proof you need to increase sales and grow your biz/career (more importantly) it educates, entertains, empowers, and emotionally connects ABOVE THE NOISE. Power up your inbound marketing with paid placement.

Be Seen with guaranteed.
PR placements to GROW.

Get Featured 

Pivot Plan

PR to Grow Your Brand

Done For You PR

Or DIY PR Strategy

If the Pandemic taught us anything it taught us life can change on a dime. That Multiple 6figure Tech Sales position you thought was so secure? Not so much. Your referral based 7Figure SMB? Crickets. Those Agent/Manager Commissions you relied on? Dry. The TV/FILM production contracts or Influencer Brand Deals? Hello Actor & Writers Strike. The Real Estate market? Rapidly changing. And those expensive, complicated, sales funnels or Ad campaigns you "should do" or that BIG email list you "must" have? Take 12 months to work. In a Pivot, you need cash NOW. Snag my simple-stupid, old school, "Instant Money Maker" Pivot Plan. Recession Proof yourself and control your own economy when you feel like you've outgrown.

How to Book NOW.
Ideal clients this month.

Replace Lost Revenue

Pivot Plan

Instant Money Maker

Learn how to leverage Podcast Hosting & Guesting with top Media PR strategies. PLUS how to write, direct, and produce your show (or guest episodes) from Concept to Completion. Download Season 1 of the Dreamcatchers District Podcast and check out my guest spots on Top 100 Podcasts like Next Level University Ep #420, Top Performer Ep #54, Finding Direction Ep #303, Embodied Ep #245 + IG Livestreams. From loglines to shownotes, borrowing audiences to paid spots, global subscribers to sold-out live events & lessons learned - make an impact.

Energy in their ear.
Audiences worldwide.

Podcast Hosting + Guesting

Pivot Plan

Life can life on us pretty good sometimes. It's not a matter of "if"  Resiliency will knock, it's a matter of when. What counts is how fast your can Pivot + Perform (on demand) when she does. Read the Behind the Scenes story of when my whole world imploded, amidst Covid, and how I "started over" at 40 (alone and afraid). Ready to concept, write, edit or launch your non-fiction Self-Help, Memoir or Book Proposal? Want to be a Bestseller? Curious about a Co-writer or Ghostwriter? Get the Author's Pivot Plan + FREE copy of my first Bestselling book.

How to be Resilient.
No matter what.

Tired of blending in? Ready to stand out and cut through the noise with custom color, copy, content, capsule wardrobe and curated
on-camera stagings to showcase your Personal Story Brand
? Make a first impression that lasts ... from the boardroom to the red carpet (and every meeting, date or post inbetween). Reinvigorate your Executive Presence, Hinge, TEDx, Zoom, Investor Pitch, Podcast Shoot, Website, IG or BTS "Day in the Life" branded doc — and develop your Signature Style. Men and Women look here for some of my favorite stylings and set designs, which I've used to photograph celebs, corporate and consumer clients. Copycat the very looks I use when delivering my own Keynotes, Panels, Fireside Chats or On-Camera Interviews. Look & Feel 10yrs younger when you share your story with us.

Build your Personal Brand
Signature Style to
 stand out.

Write the Book!

Leverage Podcasts

Personal Branding Style

Be Branded

Pivot Plan

Everyone has a story to share. Sadly, too many die with their story still in them. If you've been told, "you should write a book" or "you'd be a great speaker" or "you need a Podcast" but you have no idea how to find which part of your story to tell or how best to share it - this is for you. If you HAVE a book but haven't known how to monetize it by landing (and giving) killer interviews, writing high-converting sales copy, creating engaging social captions, becoming your own best Publicist, getting booked solid for paid speaking gigs and Media appearances — this is for you. If you see yourself on the most elite stages, with a mission to help millions, but you're not yet in proximity to those people and want to play in that sandbox - grab this. It's not enough to have a color-coordinated logo, website, social feed. It's your STORY we remember.

Tell Your Brand Story.
Find. Heal. Write. Share.

Get Booked to Speak

Build Your Brand Story

Pivot plan

There's the front-of-house brand story. (The Celebrity or Thought Leader everyone thinks they know). And there's the story-behind-the-story. (The human just like us). As a retired actor turned photographer and semi-retired filmmaker, stories are my home (having worked with music icons like The Doors' Robby Krieger, Lukather of TOTO, John Legend, Common, KISS; along with TIME Magazine's "Kid of The Year" and Sir Ken Robinson from YouTube's viral short Caine's Arcade, or World Record athletes like Diana Nyad for Netflix's The Other Shore; starring Annette Bening and Jodie Foster in the bio pic NYAD — both nominated for Academy Awards). Look for upcoming docs on The Chumash Tribe and Audiovent's long awaited reunion. Public Figures ready to share a BTS "Day in the Life" doc or Brands wanting Product Activations — get my Film Treatment Template, Marketing Strategy + Rolodex.

Development to film/series Distribution.

Make the Documentary

Pivot plan

Make the Documentary

In the age of The Great Resignation and Quiet Quitting, you can't afford to lose Top Talent or risk the reputation management problem when High Performers leave for better opportunities with less burnout; better lifestyle. Nervous Systems are bombarded with endless To Do’s, nonstop notifications, siloed work and chronic news crisis. Focus is at an all time low. Cancer, Anxiety, Divorce, Depression, Addiction? An all time high. The community connection that used to keep your teams going; is gone. And Loneliness is an epidemic. Remote work isn't the problem. How you lead it, is. Modern CEOs and Founders get the value of quarterly Offsite Leadership Retreats, Executive Coaching & People-First wellbeing. Let's customize yours.

Attract + Retain.
Create Raving Fans.

Change the Culture

The Modern CEO

Pivot plan

At a time when Attachment Theory, Red + Beige Flags, Narcissistic Abuse, Trauma Bonding, Toxic Bosses and Burnout Recovery are as commonplace conversation as the weather — it's not about if you've been hurt but how you'll heal. Breathwork, Meditation, Visioning, Cold Plunge, Soundbaths, Horse Therapy, Darkness Retreats, Microdosing, Plant Medicine, Real Food, CBT, Minimalism and Digital Detoxes are all practices to help you (re)align as you (re)amplify your next chapter's Signature Story.  The key is not to get consumed or addicted to another rabbit hole of avoidance. INSTEAD to discern, mindfully and soberly, what's of best service to you now. For fellow survivors, betrayed and abandoned by others or yourself, meet the Practitioners, Therapists, Coaches who help me hold you. Get referrals. 

Breakthrough blocks in
Beliefs, Body, Business

Heal your Heart

Pivot plan

Transforming Trauma

FACT: Good humans need good humans. Live and in 3D form, with hugs very close-by, and laughs at the ready. Times are hard. Let's not make them harder by keeping everything online in Scroll-City. Not only for you as a Service Provider, trying to cut through the competition, but also for your ideal target audience trying to feel less alone, less behind, less lost. Learn how to bring the best-of-the-best Speakers, Entertainers, Vendors and Sponsors together. Curate WOW event experiences that will stun your clients, celebrate your colleagues, and move even the most shy of attendees into standing ovation. Better yet? Develop genuine relationships with like-hearted meeting planners, brands, influencers, celebrities and elite venues to offer guests the most memorable and interactive time they've ever had.

Host unforgettable
Live, Sold-out, Events

Produce Events

Pivot plan

Host & Produce Events

Next Event:
Sat 10/19/24 Newport Beach

Some of you are thinking, "Gimme ALL the Pivot Plans!" Others, "What if I need something customized?"  Either end of that spectrum means you're likely at a New Beginning. And, friends, that's a very good place to start. Maybe you're already slaying at your multiple 6-7-8 figure brand and you're simply wanting to reset and rediscover what you want next (feeling more aligned with who you really are). Or, maybe you've just hit your first $100k-$250k and you're finally ready to redesign and rebrand the way you couldn't afford to, until now. Whichever season you're in, the Clarity + Confidence Pivot Plan is the ideal first place to figure out Who You Are, What You Want, Why You Started, Where You're Going. And customize a path forward, together.

Confused which Pivot Plan is right for you...

Get Confident

Pivot plan

Clarity & Confidence 

Leverage Story-driven Marketing,
PR, Media Training & Events to attract ideal clients + hire and retain recruits — while pivoting into High Ticket Consulting + Advising Offers.

Improve your offerings, raise your rates, leverage your time, tell your Personal Brand Story, grow your reach, remember and redesign what you want, say "No" and become a Thought Leader.

Be able to clearly pitch what you do and who you do it for (on demand) to confidently sell - OR - rediscover and identify who you are beyond your money, fame, awards.

Have a clear, actionable, plan for Producing + Promoting your Book, Podcast, Launch, Retreat, Film, Song, Social - OR - your Digital Detox, Retirement, and Personal Healing Journey

Know how to give a memorable IG LIVE, Media Interview, Keynote, Panel, Live Event with core messaging soundbites and secure guaranteed PR placements to grow your personal brand.

Be able to attract, onboard, retain and lead (Top-tier) talent to join your team, build your business, create your culture and safeguard your personal brand's reputation.

Before you know it, you will...

Book Your Pivot Plan &
Get Customized Strategy

Get your energy back to look and feel 10yrs younger.

Heal, Find, Tell and Share your story for Brand Copy, Podcasts, Books, Stage, Media, Social, TV/Film, PR. 

Attract your ideal clients, sponsors, JVs, top recruits; working on projects that light you up and inspire others.

Build (or rebuild) a dream team who ensure you've got continued growth and free up your time to stay in your zone of genius as the CEO, Founder, Visionary, Face.

Create and sustain processes and systems for added efficiency, profitability, company culture and fun. 

(Re)Brand yourself into Thought Leadership, as if it were already a 7 or 8 figure Personal Brand and reverse engineer.

Feel more balanced, rested and in alignment with who you are, what you want, why you started.

Have the self-confidence to say "No" with a period (guilt free) and "Yes" with a plan in place.

Make THIS year the year you *finally* re-commit to:

Strategize now:
The Pivot Plan

hotel joaquin - Laguna Beach, CA

Event Planners, Startups, Colleges, Agencies, Producers: Email Kj's Talent Manager at with date + details and "GUEST Request" in subject line.

Frequently Asked Questions

A friend referred Kj's "VIP DAY" — How do I apply?

The VIP Day experiences, along with Masterminds and Retreats, are high touch, high impact, and not for everyone. Invite Only for Clients ready for Pivot, Performance + PR Strategy. Book The Pivot Plan (first) and if you're the right fit - you'll be asked to apply.

Does Kj offer single, On-the-Spot, coaching or strategy sessions?

Twice monthly, Kj opens up "The Pivot Plan" a Strategy Session with full Assessment, Recording, Pre+Post Workbooks + Office Hrs. Investment applied to "VIP Day" if Kj extends invite at the end of the session. 

How do I book Kj to guest on my Podcast, IG Live, Webinar?

Email Kj's Talent Manager at with "Event Request" in the subject line, plus details.

How to become a Sponsor Partner at Kj's next Live Event in LA and Laguna?

Email "Event SPONSOR" to Kj's Talent Manager at to create a customized, elite, brand activation, product placement, Influencer strategy.

How do I get asked to Speak on Kj's IG LIVE, Podcast or Event Panel?

Guests are Invite Only (Entertainers, Entrepreneurs, Executives, Elite Athletes, Achievers, Activists, Allies). VIP Day and Mastermind clients are often featured.

Are there payment plan options? SAVINGS?

YES! Plus, win Surprises and Bonus Incentives for paying off your payment plan early. Save when you pay in full. Payments must be completed before program concludes or last content is delivered. Due to limited availability and intellectual property delivered, all payments are non-refundable, non-transferable, including deposits & holds.

Does Kj offer scholarships?

YES! We want to hear your own #MyOutgrown stories. Earn up to 100% in Scholarship offered annually. DM @kj_christensen on IG the word "SCHOLARSHIP" to learn entry details.

Is Kj a Strategist AND a Certified Coach? 

YES! In addition to being a Strategist and Growth Partner, Kj is a Certified Coach. Most "Coaches" are actually just really great Internet Marketers and Speakers. Kj's training is from an ICF accredited, yearlong, program with hundreds of hours of supervision and thousands of hours of research backed science. Her signature designed methodologies synthesize studies in: Mindfulness, Neuroscience, Positive + Organizational Psychology, DEI, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Attachment Theory, DSM, Trauma Recovery, EQ, Flow, Physiology, Gut Health, Habits, Improv, Storytelling, Project Management, Producing, Directing, Marketing, Branding, Business. She also teaches from her real world experience working in Entertainment and Personal Professional Development for 20+ years; studying under the biggest names in both industries. In addition to helping clients breakthrough blocks brought on by nervous system triggers, Kj's consulting offers tactical strategy. Now in her second act, Kj inspires audiences to "answer the call" and embark on their own personal/professional QUEST.

How do I book Kj as a Keynote Speaker, Trainer, MC/HOST, On-Air Expert Guest, Cover Feature or Live Event Panelist?

The BEST Brand Story
isn't a story at all.

But the truth of your
own lived experience; shared.

Let's Find, Heal, Tell, Share yours: Together

This      for you if:

You're ready to invest $1500-$30k+ in your beliefs, business, brand story with PR Strategy to grow to 7-8figures 

You think, "I know this already" or "Easy for you to say" or "yeah, but." you're often fighting to keep your problems

YOu're in entertainment, entrepreneurship, Elite Sports, or An executive role & you wanT personal/professional development

you roll your eyes at DEI, you don't value high level strategy, PR, TV/FILM level Brand Storytelling, network introductions, tools, resources, 1-on-1 + leadership summits

you already have noted success and are ready to leverage a STORY brand, consulting offer, WITH BETTER PR and a Strategic Growth Partnership for personal and professional development

It's        for you if...

You would be choosing between this investment or paying basic needs. The pivot plan, VIP Day, Mastermind or monthly Retainers + Growth Partner fees are best for multiple 6-7figure earners or Businesses already Doing $1m-$5m+ in ARR



This      for you if:

You are as collaborative as you are competitive, generous and genuine

you're unwilling to put yourself "out there" and refuse to promote yourself, your projects or others

you believe what happens here, stays here. you value confidentiality and you respect safe spaces to share

you'd rather learn passively and consume than to create. you don't want to do things differently or take new action

you love to have fun + you love to work. you're not offended by kj's few funny f-bombs to celebrate + motivate

It's       for you if...

you have no real urgency to do anything differently and could be half-in / half-out because of it



implement fast and together

no endless modules, 
videos, webinars


Follow a proven roadmap 1-on-1

“We know she’ll have our back. We know it’ll be fun. Kj's conscious of the world and the people around her. She's a natural speaker and listener. Approachable. That’s why I want to come to her events, watch her, or read what she writes.” 

"Kj's the girl everyone wants to go on a roadtrip with!"

Vinnie Potestivo

- Emmy Award-winning Brand + Media Advisor - 
- Moderator + Podcaster -

For those who want fresh new...

Want to be Featured?

10 Reasons to Book Kj to Speak at Your Next Event

Keynoting, Moderating,
& Laser Coaching

Let's dicuss your event's goal, attendees, topic, dates, location, and investment range so we can customize your keynote or moderated panel discussion

- Alan Lazaros -

global Top 100 podcast
"Next Level University"

1 Million downloads,
multiple 6-figure show

"Kj has been a guest on Next Level University Podcast and a featured mentor guest on one of our weekly Masterminds. She's helped us and our listeners figure out what “masks” we're wearing to protect ourselves and has provided ways to shed those masks. Kj is full of positivity and is always willing to guide, connect and help others she comes into contact with." - Alan Lazaros - "She added so much value on both and taught how to avoid burnout. One of the things that really stood out, though, was the conversations we had after the podcast and behind the scenes. Kj is so caring, so thoughtful and such a positive energy. I can't recommend Kj highly enough!"  - Kevin Palmieri

ask about Virtual keynotes & trainings, too!

LISTEN, Dance, Sing, Post!

Sometimes you just got to #DanceOutDoubt. Download the official #MyOutgrown Anthem on iTunes, Spotify, Pandora, Apple Music. Choose your favorite 15-30sec and make a TikTok or IG Reel dancing, singing, exercising, hiking to it.
TAG @kj_christensen @myoutgrown and we'll share your post to Kj's Instagram Stories.

Need a Reboot?